John N. Warfield

Welcome to The Warfield IP Trust 

Our goal is to ensure the John N. Warfield intellectual legacy remains widely available.


Our Catalog of Dr. Warfield’s work includes almost 2,000 books, videos, presentations and published and unpublished papers. Many will soon be available for download here. Registered visitors on this site will be notified when the site is updated. 


Dr. Warfield did much of his later work at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, USA. He later donated the originals of many of his documents to GMU's Special Collections and Archives. The collection is cataloged for online review and is open to visitors.


John Warfield: Scientist, Inventor and Teacher

Dr. Warfield is best known as the inventor of Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM), Interactive Management and Generic Design Science.
Interactive Management and ISM software have been applied by practitioners around the globe to large-scale, difficult problems in industry and government, ranging from automotive design at Ford, to DoD procurement, to government policy at every level.

In Understanding Complexity: Thought and Behavior, Dr. Warfield defined Interactive Management as "a system of management invented explicitly to apply to the management of complexity. It is intended to be applied intermittently in organizations to enable those organizations to cope with issues or situations whose scope is beyond that of the normal type of problem that can readily be solved."
During his distinguished career, Dr. Warfield published five books and more than 100 papers on topics including computers, software, systems, organizations, electrical networks, Interactive Management and generic design science.